Monday, March 9, 2009

Oh, I forgot!

Kara has now been off the bottle for over a week now. I am so proud of her. She uses a sippy cup that resembles her bottle, not by color but by the silicone nipple. She doesn't even act like she knows her bottles are gone. I'm so excited about this spring and summer and all the things I get to do with her. She's so fun and alert. She's always learning! She's a mocker! She does anything you do, so "be careful little mouth what you say..." I can't wait til she's old enough to walk and play outside. This weekend was beautiful so we put her in her pack'n play and let her play outside while her daddy worked in the garden just a little bit. She loved it, but now she's getting to the point where she's mobile and she knows she's mobile so she doesn't like being restrained. Anyway, I just wanted to brag some more about my daughter and her bottle-breaking success. Later!

1 comment:

  1. Manders! I did not know you had a blog. . . Just found you and since I am not even supposed to be on the computer right now (too busy), I will read the posts later. Take care. Love, Martha


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I am married to a wonderful man and I have a beautiful baby girl and four wonderful step children. We are trying to raise them right and show them how to make the right choices in life. God has been good to us. We are excited about God's blessings in 2009.
