Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Another day of house work. I woke up so motivated, then my brother came over and we decided to visit my mom to see how she's coping with her friend's death (he was her only friend). Now, a couple hours later, I am so tired and I don't know why. I need to out laundry away and I just want to crawl in bed with my baby girl and take a long long nap.
I'm still missing my husband. He will be gone for a few more weeks. It's hard on us but God is helping us. He's also helping my husband. He called me and asked if I would fast with him today so that is what we are doing today. It's amazing how fasting even though we are apart can bring us closer together. God is so awesome! I pray that God will continue to make me the wife and mother he wants me to be. I am His for the molding! Well, I must put Kara down for a nap. Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Amanda! Can you come up Wednesday night? You can grab some stuff before I send it off to the thriftstore (They are supposed to do my pick up on Thursday!). We need to get things moving soon.
    Email me: sarahgbs@yahoo.com or you may call me!


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Kara Shough

Kara Shough
Kara being silly!

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I am married to a wonderful man and I have a beautiful baby girl and four wonderful step children. We are trying to raise them right and show them how to make the right choices in life. God has been good to us. We are excited about God's blessings in 2009.
