Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wow! What a morning! I'm really dragging here! I can't get motivated at all. I work in a couple of hours. I still have to shower, get ready and take Kara to my mom's before work. I can't believe he's going to be gone that long. What about Kara's surgery? What about Christmas? I know if I can just make it through the holidays, I'll be ok. I also know what once things settle down and I can write him and actually get one back, I will be ok. He'll be even farther away than before. I really need God's warmth right now. I'm so overwhelmed! Prayer is welcome!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving was great! We had my grandma and uncle at my house and it was just the four adults and Kara. It was nice to have my grandma all to myself. She's 85 years old and we never know what holiday will be her last. So, I am very thankful that I was able to spend a whole day with her. She's amazing. I love her so much!
These last two months have been crazy for us. We've been working on the house to get it ready for inspection. I've been trying to get my school work done, I was just offered a new job that starts tomorrow. My plate is full and Christmas is around that corner! I love Christmas! We're rearranging our office room to make room for our tree. I'm so excited! I think I'll on that today.
I've made so many pumpkin pies this last month, I think I'm taking a break til next year.
Well, duty calls! I will write more later on. I just wanted to put something up so I looked alive. I guess I can officially say "Merry Christmas".

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hmmm, Thursday morning! Sitting here doing a little homework, thought I'd write in my blog. I definitely don't do that enough. I'm trying to get motivated to clean up yesterday's mess in my house. I don't think I'm getting enough sleep. I'm so tired all the time. There's too much to do to be so stinkin tired. Ugh! Anyway, I'm really excited about going to my dad's house the day before Thanksgiving for T-day dinner. I love family socials. I'm devastated that my dear 85 year old grandma doesn't have it at her house anymore. It really breaks my heart. I've been going there for holidays since before I could remember. I longed for those times and now they're gone. At least my dad still has them. Between me and my brothers and sister, which all happen to be younger than me, will be bringing lots of yummy food. I'm going to try something different this year and make some pumpkin cheesecake. That is, as soon as I find a good recipe. I've not made before so if anyone has any suggestions. :D Well, Thanks for listening! I am off to do some chores. Have a great day!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Today is a tiring Sunday but I'm trying to make it through it! Good news! We are staying in this house and we don't have to move. I'm so excited about this because we don't have to move right before Christmas. We had to do that last year. Not fun! Now, I'm just waiting for my student loan so we can do some minor repairs to the house. I'm so excited about the Holidays. I plan to do some extra crafts and decorating around the house. I don't usually get into decorating for the fall but I am this year. It makes me happy. Well, I am off to make dinner! Later!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Some friends, Ryan, Kara and I went to a Corn Maze in Sidney, Ohio. It was a lot of fun, however, when I got home, I realized that I could not find my phone. This leaves me very distraut. I can't be without my phone!! I feel somewhat naked in the world of technology. What if someone needs me or texts me? They'll never know that my phone is lost and I'm not just ignoring them. When if my mother calls and I haven't returned her phone call by the end of the day. She'll worry! Ahhhhhhh!!!
Sigh....I'm going to try and call in the morning. But how can I find a phone in a CORN MAZE???? I thing I'm going to cry! Pray for me friends that my phone is really stuck in the couch or something! That would be AWESOME!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Well, It's Saturday morning. It's chilly outside, no sun and definitely a day to visit my mom. Last night, we went to Paul's Senior night game. So, glad we went!! Ryan saw all five of his children! It was great! Chiefs lost to Shawnee 31-34 but it was a great game!

Ya know, it really got me thinking about how fast time flies. This year both my stepson, Paul and my sister are graduating. It makes me miss HS and how much I missed out because we moved around so much! The sports, the dances, the memories. I don't have any! I've somehow blocked the memories of my school years out and I don't like that. That's part of who I was and I can't remember. So, my advice to these soon to be grads. Ceaze every opportunity you have and never take any of it for granted because before you know it, it will be gone!

We had a wonderful night! So glad Kara got to see her brothers and sisters.
Well, I'm off to my mother's house. I'm going to fix her bookshelf! It's seen better days! Have a blessed Saturday!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sniffles and Sneezes!!

My poor baby is sick. She's got the runny nose, sneezing and puffy watery eyes. Today is going to be a nonproductive day for me because she's wanting me to hold her while she's watching Roger's and Hammerstein's Cinderella. I'm sure she will watch it a few times today, she loves that movie! I'm wanting to work on the kitchen this week and also attack Mt. Washmore (Clean laundry piles) Aye! Then, I have late homework to finish. I did get a big chunk done last night. I feel better already. Well, I better get to doing something while I have a moment. Have a blessed Thursday!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I made Ryan a special Blackberry pie. It was the first pie I've ever made that had a top crust. It was fun! I actually added some cut out flowers on the edge. It was cute. It was a total surprise. I asked him to get "dinner" out of the oven. hee hee. He loved it!

I'm back, everyone!

Wow! It's been a long time since I've written on this thing. I'd like to try to stay caught up and do some things with it. A lot's happened since I've last written. I am in grad school now pursuing my Masters in Teaching. I have two classes to go. I'm excited but I still have a lot of work ahead of me. Kara, on the other hand, is doing wonderful. She's so smart and adorable. She makes me laugh so many times a day. I don't know what I ever did before God gave her to me. I'm excited about the wonderful things He has in store for us. Well, I'm just finishing my homework, so I think I am going to head for bed!! Have a great day, everyone!

Kara Shough

Kara Shough
Kara being silly!

My nephew, Isaac!

My nephew, Isaac!

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About Me

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I am married to a wonderful man and I have a beautiful baby girl and four wonderful step children. We are trying to raise them right and show them how to make the right choices in life. God has been good to us. We are excited about God's blessings in 2009.
