Thursday, January 15, 2009

A family tragedy!

Today, we found out that a family friend of over 20 years was found dead on his couch at 4:30am this morning! His wife was trying to wake him up but he wouldn't. He has a son just over a year old. The man's name is Jeff Wilson. All he ever talked about was his son. They loved each other so much. It breaks my heart! Please pray for this family! My mother was very close to him. She's taking it pretty hard. They've known each other for years.
This weather is horrible. My van will not start. MY battery is toast. Thankfully, I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow. It's just too cold to be outside working on cars. Brrr!!!
Please pray for me and my family. God knows what's going on. My husband needs me but we can't really get to each other right now and it's extremely hard. God is still good and I believe that He still reigns.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, just saw that you left a comment. I've been running behind on the whole blog thing.
    So glad to hear that God is working in your life! Take care and hang in there.


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Kara Shough

Kara Shough
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My nephew, Isaac!

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I am married to a wonderful man and I have a beautiful baby girl and four wonderful step children. We are trying to raise them right and show them how to make the right choices in life. God has been good to us. We are excited about God's blessings in 2009.
